Monday, October 17, 2011

Women's Holy Spirit Encounter - Atlanta, GA

This past October, I traveled to Atlanta, Georgia to speak at the Holy Spirit Encounter weekend. I usually speak at this amazing conference twice per year for the men.  And we have had incredible meetings with Holy Spirit.  We have seen so many deliverances, salvations, rededication's, and more in these weekend meetings.  Men turn into little boys before their Lord and Savior.  Innocence being restored, wounds being healed, and hope reviving in the lives and hearts in previously beautiful but bound and imprisoned souls.

This time, I was invited to speak to the women's conference!  I flew to Atlanta a day and a half before I spoke, and I got to spend some incredible time with my dad and my older brother Kevin.  The time we spent together was so special, and I will cherish that time forever.  

The highlight of the women's event came before I even spoke one word.  I was introduced to the audience of ladies by none other than my own mom.  Yup.  That was one of the most special moments of my walk with God.  My mom is everything.  She endured during my years of rebellion when I was younger, and has been enduring my dad forever (LOL, had to get ya there pops).  She has always been there with unconditional love and wisdom over me, even in the really difficult years of my life away from God.  I will always cherish her, and I will always cherish the moment she introduced me, her son, as the speaker at this conference.

I shared about the love of God, the real God, as opposed to the religious man-made God we have created in our own image.  I shared about my struggles to find this real God in the midst of so much confusion caused by religion, and the fallen world all around me.  I shared how He found me first, and how he changed my life, and what I have been doing around the world for Him as I just follow Him each day from that first encounter with Him.

When I finished, I handed it over to the director of the event, Mr. Tom Linder.  He is such a great man of God, who just loves.  He loves to love.  He opened the floor to anyone who wanted to respond, and for the next two hours there was a line in front of me filled with women who were rededicating their lives, giving their lives to Jesus for the first time, women who needed prayer, etc.  We had deliverances right there in the line, salvations in the line, and some of the sweetest redemption from wounds and brokenness I have ever seen.  This line seemed to never diminish, and even right up until the time that I literally had to walk out of the building to catch my flight, there were still women, HUNGRY women after His presence, His love, His redemption, His freedom, who were waiting in the line to be prayed for, and to let things go in the coolest exchanges of idols for presence I have ever been a part of.  I was so humbled to see this.

God, yeah You ARE the coolest!!

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