Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Wonderful Night With Hollywood's Future Actors

My wife and I mentor several young couples.  Many of them are actors and actresses in Hollywood.  One of these couples asked me to come and share at cell group they started more than 6 years ago.  As I came to share, there was already such an electricity and anticipation for the evening.  These young men and women were amazing!  As soon as I got there, my friends introduced me and I quickly got started, sharing with them the incredible BATTLE over their hearts, their minds, their identities, and their destinies.

I shared with them about Lucifer, who he was, what he did in Heaven, the intimacy he had with the Triune God, God's purpose and plan for Lucifer in Heaven.  I shared that it was in this place, that the first recorded intimacy in the Bible was found, between Lucifer and the Triune GOD!!  Here are the references for you:

1.  Ezekiel 28:11-19
2.  Isaiah 14: 12-17

Not only was the first intimacy found there, but also the first choice, and the first sin.  Did you know that the angels have a choice to follow, to serve, and to worship God?  See, the word says in Revelation 12 that Lucifer rebelled against God (choice) and 1/3 of the angels CHOSE to go and fight with him (CHOICE), and there was no longer a place found for Lucifer and for the angels who fought with him, because Lucifer had decided in his heart that "…I will be like God." (FIRST SIN).  Because of his sin against God, he was cast out of Heaven, stripped of his name, Lucifer, and given a brand, (satan, which means, deceiver, accuser, liar.

Lucifer had intimacy with God!  What the heck?!!  He lost it, and then God makes man for one purpose…intimacy.  Satan lost this intimacy, and God made us for intimacy.  Within intimacy you will find what we are all looking for everywhere…love.  You will find identity, and from this you will find purpose, and rest in that you know who you are, that you are loved, and you have purpose, all in a place of intimacy with the One who made you with those intentions from the beginning.  So, we know that satan is JEALOUS!  He lost it, can never have it again, and you have been made for it.  satan is jealous OF you, and God is jealous FOR you.  There is the battle, and we are born into it without a clue it is even there in our midst.

I shared that in this scene, there is something being fought for, greater than anything else we in ourselves possess.  It is called, your choice.  Religion kills this choice, and obligates us to things because we are supposed to, it is the right thing, and relegates us to a right/wrong works based Christianity which then implies a scale of goodness that we earn.  This is what drives the young men and women away from the church by the age of 19, with 91% never returning, raising their own kids to never go as well.  God Himself gave choice in heaven, gave choice in the garden of Eden (The two trees), and gives you and me a choice to go after Him.  He gives us a choice to love Him, but we cannot love Him out of our own abilities to love.  We need His love first.  There is your background on what I taught.

So, we asked God to reveal His love for us, and as He did, we would begin to choose to thank Him for His love.  We started right out of Psalm 100:4.  We enter His gates in thanksgiving, and enter His courts in praise.  We began to thank Him, even for the smallest things, and as we did, an incredible thing happened.  The lies of the enemy began to fall off individual people. There was sweet deliverance from lies, from general wounds, from fear, and from unbelief.  As we continued, soon, there began to be an eruption of praise.  This only comes from revelation of God as Holy Spirit reveals Jesus to us (John17).  As Holy Spirit began to speak to our hearts of God's nature and character, revealed through the love of His Son, people began to weep, to shout, to cry out, and to SING!  It was beautiful!  People were using their choices to choose Jesus because they were experiencing His love FIRST through revelation by the Holy Spirit.  They experienced the Trinity in action to bring them ever closer to the heart of God.  They responded by choice, not obligation.  They were loved, so they loved back!  That is Kingdom intimacy, that is Kingdom worship, and that is the Greatest Commandment in ACTION!  We can love Him with all our heart, mind and soul, because we are loving Him back with our response to His love for us FIRST!  Then, we can love who we see in the mirror, because the lies are being completely destroyed by LOVE, and the first thing that changes in that exchange, is our identity.  Third, when we are free, we have to let the world know (think, the women at the well).  All three, are responses to His love FIRST.  THIS, is what we discovered this past Thursday night.  Nobody wanted to leave.  They wanted to continue.  One guy said, "I don't want to stop until I pass out!"  This is the real thing everyone is looking for in this world.

Thank you for continuing to pray for Rebekah and me! We need it, and we thrive from it.  Your prayers and support send us, and go before us, preparing the way for us to give the Gospel of the Kingdom away to as many who will listen.  The ones who do, are forever changed.

God bless you!

Kenny and Rebekah Peavy
Raised2walk Ministries

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